Monday, December 6, 2010

You know what?

I think I'd like to try more ashtanga yoga. I mean they all seem a bit out there, at least from what I have seen, but damn does it seem like a good work out. Just keeps flowing, one position after the next. Really provides a good sweat and deep breathing. Not a big fan of kissing other people's feet though, maybe I can just shake the guys hand if I was ever so lucky to meet the head master or guru. Not sure  what his actual title is. I speak of the position that Pathabi Jois held, and now his grandson does. The guruji title, not sure on the spelling on that one. In any case that practice seems cool though I would def need work on my down dog before I became an Ashtanga head. Though coming into this whole yoga adventure I could not touch my toes now I can at least accomplish this. Though a small accomplishment a step in the right direction none the less. I can also sit in full lotus now, and push my self up on my hands while in lotus. I forget what practice that was in. we attempted in class one day where I had sub-par results to say the least. After a decent amount more attempts I'm getting there though. Perhaps it was ashtanga.

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