Monday, December 6, 2010

Is it true?

The other day in class my professor, who is a female, stated the following abou women:

When a woman asks if I am thirsty, she is not looking for a response of yes or no, but for me to ask if she is thirsty. This is the reason men and women are so different. Much like the "Does this dress make me look fat?"This is just a woman's way of askng "Do you love me?" "Am I wanted?"

This seems strange. At least strange to us men.Men are straight forward. If I ask another man, "Are you thirsty?" What I mean is "Are you thirsty?" this is opposed to women asking "Are you thirsty?" and really meaning "Talk to me" I'd love to hear other women's oppinions on the manner........

As long as there is breath in the body, there is life.
When breath departs, so too does life.
Therefore, regulate the breath.

- Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Ch.2:S.3

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