Monday, December 6, 2010


What is virtuous? A tougher question than I originally thought. Me Professor Laurie Greene disagreed on a few different aspects of what is virtuous today. Though we saw eye to eye on others. Hmmm how to express this next part....You see she seemed to think that people who give mass amounts of money to good causes were doing this to gain some recognition. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was the main choice in class today. I don't think they are necessarily looking for a greater recognition in their life. Since I mean it's Bill friggen Gates. Does the man need more coverage than he already has. Perhaps so. The point was brought up that maybe he is using this to get his name more coverage there for Microsoft more coverage. Presenting the Microsoft company in a better light. i.e. Look we give money to good causes. Buy our product. I really don't know Bill or Melinda personally so I can not say either way. Though it does seem like human nature to be recognized for great accomplishments. There are your few anonomous donors in the world, but for the most part people like being recognized for the hard work they do. So perhaps it is a mixture of the two; creating a foundation to get your other rich friends to cough up some dough and to say hey look at me I am doing good in the world. I can and am making a difference. Recognize me for being a great human being. Oprah Winfrey much....

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